25 January 2010

Magical Crockpot Goodness!

Did you know it is possible to make yogurt at home?  To be serious I was suspect when I came across this recipe.  I love yogurt so much though, that I decided it was worth a shot.  Also, as my dear friend Kelly would say, I lean towards tree hugging and bunny kissing organic foods.  After reading about this recipe I decided it would save a lot of money to boot.  Verdict:  best spent 13 1/2 hours with my crockpot yet!

Here's the ingredients:

*8 cups (half-gallon) of whole milk, preferably organic of course -- pasteurized and homogenized is fine, but DON'T use ultra-pasteurized.  Don't ask me why, just don't!

*1/2 cup store-bought natural, live/active culture plain yogurt -- this is used as a starter for the cultures, once you have made your own you can use that as a starter for your next batch.

*Frozen/fresh fruit or other add ins for flavoring

*Thick bath towel -- don't worry, this doesn't go in the yogurt ;)

Here's the directions:

This takes a while, but don't be discouraged by the time.  If you aren't already using your crockpot you'll be thrilled to use it for this despite the time involved.

Plug in your crockpot and set it to low.  Pour in the half gallon of whole milk, cover your crock, and set your timer for 2 1/2 hours.

Ding! (That's your timer going off)

Unplug your crockpot, leave the cover on, and reset your timer for another 3 hours.  Yes, it will just sit there...not very exciting (YET).


Once your timer goes off again, scoop out 2 cups of the warm milk and put in a mixing bowl with the 1/2 cup of store bought yogurt.  Whisk the milk & yogurt together and add back to the rest of the milk in the crock.  Stir to combine in the crock and put the cover back on.  

Next, wrap the entire crock in the bath towel to insulate.  The crock should still remain unplugged and off.  The bath towel is there to insulate the crock so it can work it's magic while you sleep!!

Allow the insulated crock to sit for 8 hours (in other words, set your timer again).


Your yogurt is done.  I was so excited to see this actually work!!  After all is said and done you will want to store the yogurt in plastic containers in the fridge.  I recommend putting it in a number of smaller containers so you can make a number of different types of yogurt with mix ins.  I also recommend adding the mix ins right before you are about to eat it.

The yogurt will last 7 - 10 days in your refrigerator.  Make sure you save a 1/2 cup for a starter for your next batch!  It's tough, I know, as this is really good.

My personal favorite mix-ins include:  honey & cinnamon (pictured); nutella; sugar free strawberry preserves; any fresh or frozen berry; peanut butter or some dark chocolate (see nutella); bananas/pb/honey.

--This recipe was originally found on www.crockpot365.blogspot.com.  Amazing site, check it out!!

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